Multimedia guide to the city of Paestum, which in Ancient Greece was known asPoseidonia and was founded at the beginning of the 6th century B.C. by Achaeancolonists from Sybaris who settled on the fertile plain to the south of the river Sele.Conquered by the Lucani and then by the Latins, today Paestum presents three areas tothe visitor: two of these, the north and south sanctuaries, were sacred. The third areain the centre, for public use, was once the Greek Agora and later became the RomanForum.
In the two sanctuaries there are three beautifully conserved doric temples: to the north,the temple of Ceres, dedicated to the goddess Athena, to the south the Basilica ortemple of Hera and the temple of Neptune, dedicated to Apollo.
In the public area there are Ancient Greek buildings such as the Ekklesiasterion, forpublic assemblies, and the Heroon (the underground tomb of the hero that founded thecity), and Roman buildings such as the forum, the Italic temple, the amphitheatre andliving quarters.
The walls surrounding the ancient city have four gateways corresponding to the cardinalpoints (Porta Aurea to the north, Porta Giustizia to the south, Porta Sirena to the east,and Porta Marina to the west).
The map highlights points of interest where the visitor can get more information fromthe videos with photos, 3D reconstructions and commentaries.